Medical Information Requirement for Renewal and New Shotgun Applications
21 February 2020
The following process will affect any new applications for firearms, shotgun and explosives licenses submitted from 3 February 2020 and any renewal application where the certificate expires on or after 31 March 2020.
You will be required to provide a medical report which verifies your medical history against the relevant conditions as necessary in question ten of the application form. This will apply to all applications, whether declaring a medical condition or not.
Please note that applications received without the GP medical Proforma after the specified dates will be returned to you as incomplete.
The fact you have a condition may not necessarily mean your application is refused.
How to obtain this information
You will need to request the information from your GP surgery using the GP Medical Proforma which you will find here
Present this at your GP practice for their completion prior to submission of your application.
Completed forms must contain the GP name, signature and surgery stamp. Once complete, submit the form at the same time as you make your application.
The change is being implemented to enable the police to make informed decisions which will protect both the shooting community and the wider public. The change will mean a consistent and fair process for all applicants and will assist in improving application processing times.
What if my GP wants to charge me for this service?
Your GP may or may not charge you a fee. The Police have no influence over GP fee’s, however this fee must be met by the applicant, not police. Various fees are currently being charged. The Police have contacted Local Medical Councils in an attempt to encourage a standardisation of these services across GP practices.
If your GP refuses to provide you with a report, it is your responsibility to consult with another GP at your practice, or an alternative practice.
There are also independent service providers being set up due to the number of forces who are implementing this policy. They are able to supply the required report for a flat fee of £50. They will require your consent to access your medical records.